
hot chocolate

Between juggling studies and worrying about my staggering weight gain, time has certainly gotten away from me. But everything is going to be okay. Especially when chocolate is involved. The weather calls for it. Assignments call for it. You and I need this.

(recipe adapted from the Tart Tart)

120g dark chocolate, chopped
2 cups whole milk
2 tsp corn starch
2 tsp or less sugar
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. In a small saucepan, melt the dark chocolate with a splash of milk over medium-low heat.
2. Stir. Then, whisk (vigorously) corn starch with rest of milk and gradually add it to the melted chocolate.
3. Add sugar to taste.
4. Keep stirring until it reaches a low simmer and becomes thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
5. Remove from heat and stir in salt and vanilla.
6. Pour into your favourite mug and top with giant marshmallows (if you're into those things).
